Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Top Five Favorites

This is just to tell some of you a little more about me.

My Top Five Favorite Movies:

  • Avatar
  • Fight Club
  • Moulin Rouge
  • Stardust
  • Serenity

My Top Five Favorite Bands:

  • Vast
  • Disturbed
  • A Perfect Circle
  • Sequentia
  • Rammstein

My Top Five Favorite Songs:
  • "Temptation" by Vast
  • "Dead Girl" By Acid Bath
  • "Remember" by Disturbed
  • "3 Libras" by A Perfect Circle
  • "Forever" by Papa Roach

My Top Five Favorite Actors:
  • Johnny Depp
  • Alan Rickman
  • Sean Connery
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Christopher Walkin (bite me)

My Top Five Favorite Actresses:
  • Helena Bonham Carter
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Megan Fox (Fuck you. She's hot...)
  • Summer Glau
  • Michele Rodriguez (Even though seeing her in a movie automatically labels that character as "going to die" :( Which always sucks).
My Top Five Favorite Authors:
  • Jim Butcher
  • Kelly McCullough
  • R.A. Salvatore
  • J.R.R. Tolkein
  • Edred Thorsson (A large part of my collection is non-fiction c_c)
My Top Five Favorite Books (or series):
  • The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
  • Web Mage (series) by Kelly McCullough
  • The Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
  • The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore
  • The Stone Prince by Fionna Patton (because it's gay and awesome. So bite me.)

My Top Five Favorite Artists:

My Top Five Favorite Works of Art:
W..what just 5?? O_O Are you insane?
(Arsh, you wrote the questions. Just pick some art you like.) 
...omg... well here's a few. c____c
(Please click the links for the artist's full posted pic. I'm just posting thumbs so you can get an idea of which ones you like to see bigger. All credit is given to the artists who created these works!)
Butterfly Precipice by Len-Yan
Sadness by Len-Yan

Better Than Chocolate by Len-Yan

Rock'n'Roll by Len-Yan

Rat Prince by Len-Yan

The Workstation 2 by Jujika 

The Naiads by Damascus5

Nocturne by Blackeri

Dynasty Declining by Feimo

Hollow Jacks by JohnSu

Home and the Fairies by Zancan

Nine of Spades by Mincedniku

A Touch of Magic by Luches

Moment of Life and Beauty by Syrrhaal

I guess that's all for now.
As a huge important note... if you are any of the artists portrayed above and you don't want your work featured here, please just email me at arsieiuni at and I'll be happy to remove them.
I only posted them here to let the world know how beautiful your work is, and I have done my best to fully credit and attribute these works to you, the artist, and only you. Still, if you'd rather I not feature them here, I'll happily remove them at your request, in greatest respect.

So maybe this gives all of you who read my blog a better idea of who I am. 
I hope so.


  1. Fight Club is my all time fav movie, Megan Fox is hot, I hate to admit, and my husband loved the dark elf series or whatever.

  2. Okay... Where do I start!?
    I loved all of those movies, though I think Avatar was disappointing in comparison to all the hype I heard...
    Serenity, however is one of my favourites... (though I loved the series more...) I did, as I and my other are such big dorks, named both my daughters after characters from the show.

    I love Rammstein!

    I am not sure I have even heard any of those songs... and I am too lazy to look them up right now... I tend to listen to a little circle of old music, as I suck.

    I am soooo hot for Alan Rickman... Just saying... (I should do my top fives, just to share... LOL)

    I love all of those women, save for Summer... I would keep that list but replace Summer with Fairuza Balk and Michelle with... hmm... I don't know. :P

    As for books and authors, I only ever read the first of the Dresden Files... I did enjoy it... should read more... but my should list is HUGE.

    All that art is amazing, and some look very familiar, as they are images I saved to my computer to keep my visual obsession sated.

    I like you more and more and more...

  3. How can you love Firefly and not love Summer??? o_O She is RIVER TAM lol That's why I LOVE HER.

    I ... shit I didn't realize you named your two after Firefly lol. I know Zoey but what was your other's name again? OMG I know I suck but I will rememberize it some day soon. :P

    DRESDEN IS BEST. I have never introduced it to someone that didn't end up reading it avidly and proclaiming it their FAVORITE SERIES EVER.

    lol :) I like you more and more too. We're gonna end up making out before long. Just watch. :P

  4. I like the the character River, but only so much... I am more in love with Kaylee (which is my other daughter's name, by the way) and Zoey and Inara... and Simon... and Janye... and well, yeah....
    But my favourite is Kaylee! She reminds me so much of myself, I think... She's so girly without being girly, you know?

    I will look into getting the other books of the series then. :)

    Whoot to making out! LMAO
