Friday, July 30, 2010

Now Presenting the Amazing Coconut Oil!

        Let's talk today about Coconut Oil!                   

Wait! Don't leave... seriously you're going to wanna hear this.

Coconut oil is a really useful thing to keep in your cabinet. You can find it at the grocery store (even Wal-mart) in the oil section. It comes in a plastic jar usually, more like Crisco. (I had a hard time finding it the first time, so now you know what to look for.)

Coconut oil is FANTASTIC! It is a) good for your health in a huge number of ways b) better for your diet than other oils and c) tasty! on top of which it gives you ENERGY!

So let's explore the benefits of Coconut Oil.

  • Coconut oil is high in saturated fat. Wait what? That's right! But these are not bad saturated fats like the ones that cause heart problems. These are medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) whih are medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). The saturated fats you want to avoid are LCFAs or long-chain fatty acids. 

  • So why do you care about all these letters? Because MCFAs actually lower the risk of heart disease AND atherosclerosis and there's not many foods that contain significant amounts of MCFA! But one that does contain significant amounts of MCFAs is... Coconut oil! (Palm Kernel oils are another great source!)

  • Additionally, Coconut oil is a good source of natural fiber, vitamines and nutrients. 

But why would the medical industry not TELL us this?
OMG! Realization time: The medical industry isn't here to help you. 
They are here for ONE reason: $$$
If you don't believe that... go read up on and realize there is an active WORKING CURE for cancer that has been around for decades that the medical industry in this country PUSHED OUT and got banned because it was not an expensive enough procedure. In fact, the people who developed this cure with an 80% working cure rate, lost their lisences. They are now working from a facility just south of the border in Mexico. 

But back from that...


What can it do for you?

  • It is great for your digestive system, aiding in absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals and amino acids (which means preventing various stomach and digestion related problems such as IBS.). It also reduces the symptoms of diabetes and can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. On top of that, it has antimicrobial power that helps dealing with bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause indigestion. Coconut oil is high in anti-oxidants which help protect the body from free radicals and prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging. It is GREAT for your heart, containing about 50% lauric acid which prevents various heart related problems such as high LDL cholesterol levels (the kind you want to avoid) and high blood pressure.

  • Coconut oil is also anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. It kills viruses that have a lipid (fatty) coating such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis C, influenza and mononucleosis. It's not a cure for these things, but helps prevent and fight against them. 

  • On top of all of that Coconut oil BOOSTS YOUR ENERGY!                                                  Forget Monsters and Coffee! Coconut oil boosts your energy levels NATURALLY while increasing your endurance. This is because your body does not store the energy from coconut oil like other fats. Instead, it actually breaks down much quicker inside the liver and is used like a carbohydrate, burning up for energy quickly! It also increases your metabolism which helps with weight loss! 

Now that we've talked about the great ways you can ingest Coconut Oil, Let's also see how it feels on the outside. :3

  • Coconut oil is GOOD FOR YOUR SKIN!                                                                                  Rub it on in place of a massage oil and enjoy the best moisturizing effect. Use it in place of a moisurizer or lotion. It is similar to mineral oil only it does not have any chance of having adverse side effects on your skin. Coconut oil can help treate psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin problems. (Ever seen coconut oil soap? Think about it!)

  • Here's a neat tip you won't find on most blogs: Coconut oil is THE BEST when it comes to sexual lubricant. I kid you not! Don't freak out! It is SO good for your skin and it is the best feeling lubricant you'll ever try. It feels so much more natural than any store-bought lube and it works better and doesn't dry out quickly. (In fact, it takes a really long time for it to dry out!) It is totally safe to use down there and in fact, most women who use it report a decrease in yeast infections!                          I will be completely honest and say I normally have a lot of trouble with sex in that ever since I gave birth I have had like ZERO natural lubricant which really sucks when you want to get it on... Normal lubricants dry out pretty quick and really don't help that much. I started using coconut oil recently and it has been the BEST sexual lubricant ever! It stays comfy the whole time and I don't even have to reapply it between go's :3 That's how awesome it is. Seriously. 

  • Coconut oil helps in removing stress! A forehead massage with your fingertips dipped in coconut oil will help remove mental fatigue!

  • Because of its anti-inflammatory effect, coconut oil is great for sore muscles, strains and bruises! Rub some in to speed the healing effects!

  • Your hair would love you for trying coconut oil in place of your conditioner! Coconut oil has some of the best natural nutrients your hair needs. It promotes healthy hair providing a shiney complexion. Regularly massaging your head with coconut oil will help relieve dandruf, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry. It acts as an excellent shampoo and conditioner and helps regrowth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. Through out those V05 Hot Oil treatments and just rub some coconut oil through your hair and toss it up in a towel. 

  • If all that wasn't good enough, coconut oil can bring relief to some bug bites due to its anti-inflamatory qualities and healing factors. 

  • It even works as a mosquito repellant! Just eating it or using it as a shampoo or face cream will ward off annoying insects!

So considering that half your body likes the idea of coconut oil... why are you still reading this? Go get yourself a jar of it and try some of this out! You will LOVE the taste in place of butter on toast (just scrape a tiny amount over your toast instead of butter before putting it in the toaster or afterward if you like your toast crispier) or especially if you like fried eggs. (Just put a little coconut oil in the skillet and melt it then pour your eggs in like you would with melted butter. Its SO good for fried eggs.)

My favorite recipe with coconut oil is cheesey egg toast. :3

Just make toast, cook egg whites in coconut oil (fry them) and then put the eggs on top of the toast, top it with a slice of cheese and set the toast back in the skillet for a moment to melt the cheese and let the toast absorb some of the remaining coconut oil. (You don't want enough left in the pan to make the bread soggy, just a fine coating.) It's SO GOOD and gives you TONS of energy for breakfast! :3

I have found that coconut oil works as a natural laxative (fast acting! Seriously!). If you REALLY need to go, down a tabelspoon of coconut oil. Wait a few minutes. c_c

I hope you give it a try! You'll love it on your skin and in your food. :3



  1. I love my coconut oil. I started using it when I tried to go veg about 2 years ago and was on a major health kick. My favorite recipe with coconut oil was black bean and yam tacos. OMG yum. I love on your blog's general direction!

  2. Now, I do have two questions on this... which maybe you wrote about and I over looked it...
    What is the taste similar of?
    And can it replace what oil I use for any recipe?

  3. @Abbie YES you can replace it with any oil. It just has a slightly different taste.
    There are some foods I prefer to cook in Veggie oil or butter but not many that it makes too much of a difference in. I tried it once in place of butter for a roux and it was just fail. All I can say is trial and error because your tastes will vary. It is FANTASTIC with anything fish or shrimp related and it is REALLY good on eggs and other breakfast meats/toast.

    The taste.. well on toast it tastes just kinda like... uh... butter without the... heavily BUTTERY taste c_c I dunno how to explain. It is really unique in a way. It is a lighter taste when it comes to oils... It doesn't really taste of coconuts lol.

    The oil is only like 3-4$ for a jar that lasts me several months (I don't deep-fry in it because its just not really that great for that high of temperature, and it seems wasteful at that volume when veggie oil is cheaper.)
    So just grab a jar and give it a little try. If you don't like it in your food, try it on your skin and hair and I am dead serious about it being the best sexual lubricant ever. ;3

  4. Though Abbie don't freak when you open the jar and it's solid. I should have mentioned in my blog that the oil starts as a thick paste but it quickly becomes liquid in even slight heat. With the weather like it's been lately my whole jar is staying liquid but normally it is a pastey solid until you heat it up.

    Dezi, Glad you have already been enjoying the joys of coconut oil. :3 That recipe sounds too vegan for me and mine but I like the idea of yams with coconut oil. Hmm. Sweet yams. That would be good. ;3

  5. I am still very amused about the sexual lubricant thing... just because... XD
    Next week I will look into getting some. I don't use oils a lot (nearly never), but I am always up to experimenting in the kitchen. (And take that comment as you will) :)
